The Current Team

Meet the current members of TEAM RIDLEY

Anika is the pretty one. When she was young she was known as the Asbo Kid, but she has matured to become an excellent mother who has had lovely children - even if she is still a bit scatty at times! She is 12 years old.

Xaver is the cuddly one - it's amazing how many people meet him and immediately want to give him a cuddle! He is 10 years old and is Anika's son. When he was younger he went to the World Dog Show in Italy and came back with the titles 'Junior World Winner' and 'Italian Junior Champion'.

Another of Anika's kids, Daisy lives with Chris McIvor, but is a valuable member of TEAM RIDLEY and can often be seen out and about with the rest of the gang. She is 10 years old.

Eliška also lives with Chris and was bred by our good friend Jayne Rusby. She is a very sweet girl who is a cousin to Xaver and Xanthe, and she is 7 years old.

SILAS was bred by Diana Grant and lives with Amanda Halling. He has a special place in TEAM RIDLEY because it was after meeting us at the Bowood Game Fair that Amanda decided that the Cesky Terrier was just the right breed for her. He is nearly 7 years old, loves playing with his ball, and likes to hang around with his best mate Xaver - the rest of us keep out of their way, as they usually have a great game of chase!

Gloria was bred by Paul Williams and lives with Silas and Dora. She has very big paws to fill, as she is named for her gt-gt-grandmother - Gloria Kvitko - one of the most famous members of Team Ridley, but she is a confident little girl and we are sure that she will rise to the challenge!


Atticus is a happy, laid-back boy who has had a successful puppy career in the show ring, but is now staying at home to mature and to have some fun at the Game Fair.